For Academics

Clarion Editing

For academics

Before becoming an editor, I worked as an academic for over 20 years – so I know what academic writing should sound like and how it needs to communicate effectively with its audience.

If you are writing an article or book for publication, I can help you be confident that the academics who will be looking at your work will be engaging with your ideas, not complaining about your use of semicolons.

A well-edited piece of writing has a greater chance of being accepted for publication.


My areas of specialisation are:

  • Musicology (My PhD was in this field, and I have taught academic music at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Trinity College Dublin, and Roehampton University. I copyedit for the Journal of the Royal Musical Association and the RMA Research Chronicle.)

  • German Studies (My musicological research looked at music during the Weimar Republic and Third Reich, so I am very happy editing texts incorporating German. I can spot if there is a typo in your wurden or würden!)

  • Other arts and humanities subjects (There is such a wide crossover between musicology and the other arts and humanities that I am conversant with these other disciplines too.)

However, I have worked with academics from fields as diverse as law, archaeology, careers planning and nursing!

‘Many thanks for your amazingly meticulous copyediting. I have not encountered such fine work before.’ Prof. Julian Roberts, University of Oxford



If you have finished writing and want to be sure that your English is in top shape, I will check it for you. I will also check things like whether your headings, footnotes and bibliography are formatted correctly and consistently.

If you have your proofs back from your journal or publisher and need a fresh pair of eyes to spot any lingering typos before your text goes to publication, I can do this for you too.

Reference checking and formatting

Do you find it tedious to put your bibliography together? Can’t be bothered to figure out what goes in italics and what goes in brackets, or dont trust your bibliographic software? Did you forget to write down when that book was published? I love that stuff. Let me put your reference list together for you; as long as you have the basics, I can put it into the style you need for your publication.


While proofreading will check your text for typos and punctuation mistakes, copyediting will make your text flow. The copyeditor’s objective eye will be able to tell you when your sentence doesn’t quite work and what needs rephrasing to make your meaning clear, and she will give you suggestions about what might work better. The result will be something that your readers will love to read!

Developmental editing

If you have written your first draft but are unsure whether it works, whether you have said too little or too much, or if it’s in the right order, you need developmental editing. While proofreading and copyediting looks at the micro level, developmental editing looks at the macro level: does the structure of this text work? Will people want to read it all the way through? Is it pitched to the right audience?

Writing coaching

If you are struggling to get going with your writing, I offer coaching that will help you take your ideas and get them down on paper (or screen!). Usually these sessions take place online, probably over several weeks or months. You will need to have done your research and have some idea about what you want to say, but we can work together on how you can turn this into an essay, as well as working on your writing style as we go.


Struggling to fit your text into the word count you need? Let me cut it down for you! An editors objective eye will be able to see whats superfluous, and will be able to express your meaning in fewer words.

Not sure what kind of editing you need?

Send me some of your work, and I’ll give you some advice.


Prices will vary according to what shape your text is in, and how much work it will need; the prices below are to give you a rough idea.

Please contact me to get a more exact quotation, preferably also sending me a few pages from the middle of your text.

Not in the UK? No problem - I can accept payment in other currencies.


I currently charge £7.50-10 per 1,000 words of text.

Extensive bibliography or reference list checking and formatting is extra, at 20p-40p per  reference. (I include 25 items for no extra charge.) 

If you need me to work over a weekend to meet your deadline, this will be an extra £150 per weekend day.


I currently charge £22-29 per 1,000 words of text.

Extensive bibliography or reference list checking and formatting is extra, at 20p per reference. (I include 25 items for no extra charge.)

If you need me to work over a weekend to meet your deadline, this will be an extra £150 per weekend day.

Reference checking and bibliography formatting

20p-40p per reference

(depending on the complexity

of what needs doing)

Developmental Editing

  • Starting from £9 per 1,000 words, depending on the complexity of the text.

You can also combine developmental and copy-editing; contact me for more details.

Writing coaching

Writing coaching sessions are

£35 / hour.*

They generally take place via Zoom or Skype.

* (This includes my preparation time.)

Word cutting

 £25 / hour.

Please contact me for an estimate of how long your project will take.

Contact me

Email me on info [at]

or fill in the web form here. If you want, I can phone you back if you are in the UK, or Zoom / Skype is also an option.

Please note: by filling in this form, you are agreeing to my website using cookies to pass on your information to me.

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